IRS Audit Defense

There is almost nothing more stressful than an IRS audit. You may have heard that the IRS is auditing more individuals and businesses. This is often with the assistance of computer programs and algorithms designed to identify likely tax issues. When facing an audit, you will be fighting against all the government resources they can bring to bear on your case. If you have been targeted for an audit, speak with a qualified tax attorney before contacting the IRS.

Centerbridge Law Group, PLLC will help guide you through these challenges, level the playing field, and represent your interests before the IRS. Lawyers and CPAs lead our team with over 20 years of experience helping small businesses manage financial difficulties and navigate difficult situations. In some cases, an audit cannot only result in no additional money owed, but a deep look at your taxes may result in missing deductions or credits that could result in a refund. Because our attorneys are admitted to the United States Tax Court, we can assist you with the IRS not only in California and Washington but nationwide as well.

IRS Audit Appeals

The IRS Appeal — If the Revenue Agent determines that additional tax is owed, the taxpayer has 30 days to request the IRS Appeals Office to review the agent’s finding. We can review your audit finding and work with the IRS to correct any errors and resolve your tax situation promptly. Because we are attorneys as well as CPA’s, we are able to appeal your case, if necessary, to the United States Tax Court as well.

In complex cases, we will assemble a team of tax experts (CPA’s, auditors, and former IRS agents) to develop the best approach to your case. Our goal is to efficiently resolve your case while providing you and your business with cost effective and timely service .